
All Things Dialectical

The period of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has initiated a breakthrough for support for Palestine within the United States. The U.S. government’s total bipartisan support for Israel, the advocacy of Zionists, and the ratcheting up of Islamophobia in the last two decades of the “War on Terror” has...

In a review of Beyond Capital: Toward a Theory of Transition by István Mészáros, I briefly mentioned his insights into why capitalism is so extremely wasteful is worthy of separate treatment. The present article probes into that issue.

Mészáros’s study points out that an integral part of capital...

Written nearly a century ago, Lenin’s State and Revolution offers evergreen insights for socialists today. Alongside the renaissance in socialist politics in the US, there has been a renewed intrigue into what orientation towards the state socialists must adopt to achieve emancipatory ends. Wherea...

Why is Socialism Weak in the United States?

It has long been a popular observation that the socialist movement never took root in the United States as deeply as it has in other countries. This view is not entirely accurate — we have the history of the Socialist Party, the Industrial Workers of the...

Motivation to read and study Beyond Capital by István Mészáros

On more than one occasion I’ve heard the story about the morning of July 19, 1979, when the Sandanistas (FSLN) walked into the capital city Managua. They are said to have turned to each other and asked, “Now what do we do?”

They ha...